Saturday, February 01, 2014

I am still here!

Signed up today for Sharon Salzberg's 28 day meditation challenge and noticed the drumroll of bloggers. Just out of curiosity and the astonishing ability to remember an 8 year old password I moseyed on over. What a surprise to find out: I AM STILL HERE!

Ain't that the truth. Life happens. Plans change. And yet...still it's always the present moment!

I rounded the corner on a half century of breathing in and breathing out a few years ago. Zendad's health spiraled downhill in the grip of a chronic debilitating neurological disease and our vow to remain each other's sustenance didn't survive in a story that may or may not be appropriate to divulge online....just to be respectful of his privacy.   Zenchild has morphed into the most lovely, bright human being I could ever have hoped she'd become and being a mom continues to be the thing I am most grateful for.

So somethings change and somethings seem to endure. I continue to take refuge in the buddha, dharma, and the sangha and its proven to be a mighty shelter. Everyday I count myself as one of the luckiest people ever.

I can feel the welcome back. I'm here and I'm still aspiring...

Authentic Kindness of the Heart


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